YDA JURY 2020: Morten Hoffmann Larsen
Morten Hoffmann Larsen
Executive Producer/Partner
Circus Alphaville
Copenhagen, Denmark
His career has allowed him to work for the biggest brands and companies both in Denmark and internationally i.e. Coca-Cola, Danfoss, Toyota, Opel, Skoda, Peugeot, Maersk, Nestlé, Carlsberg, Arla etc. and let him to shoot in +20 countries around the world.
Morten has always been driven by discovering new ways and new talent. Especially helping directors to make the cross over from other genres such as fictional films, documentaries and TV and in to the commercial and corporate production industry to introduce fresh blood and alternative perspectives of the creative process. His main objectives within production has always been to create and shape the perfect space for the talent to express him- or herself.
Morten is not only engaged in the commercial industry but through Circus Alphaville he is also involved in anything from arthouse feature films, artistic projects, web-documentaries and lately also mainstream TV-series.