Kick-off the YDA Winning Films screenings with a light breakfast sponsored by shots

The Young Director Award team are delighted to announce a new morning format for the annual screening event in Cannes. This year, we invite guests to join us at Cinema Olympia on Thursday June 20th, at 10:30am for an exclusive screening of the newly recognised films.

To start your day on the right note, we are hosting a light breakfast at 9:30am, sponsored by our long-term partner, shots. Enjoy a cup of coffee or tea with a croissant while networking with friends, industry peers, and the YDA community.

“The morning screening is a new update to this year’s YDA schedule, reflecting our commitment to providing an engaging, comfortable experience for all guests,” says François Chilot, President of the YDA. “Thanks to shots, our partner, we are able to enhance this experience further.”

A perfect chance to take a break from the hustle and bustle of Cannes, immerse yourself in the comfort and atmosphere of a great cinema and join us in watching a curated selection of gold-winning work from the YDA’s best young directors of 2024. 
We invite all film enthusiasts to join us for a relaxing and cinematic start to your day in Cannes.

Get a ticket to secure your spot here.

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