Six things about Edward Berger

It’s day three of this year’s YDA Week and today Edward Berger, the director behind the Oscar-winning All Quiet on the Western Front, joins us to discuss his work as well as talk about the people and movies that inspired him. 

If you haven’t already seen Edward Berger’s adaptation of Erich Maria Remarque’s 1928 novel All Quiet on the Western Front then you are missing out on a brutally powerful, award-winning film that gets under the mud-caked skin of its First World War protagonists. 

All Quiet on the Western Front (2022)

The film and its director have picked up numerous awards over the past year and, as part of the YDA Week, Berger talks to us about the challenges, for both cast and crew, of making the film.

He also discusses the creative opportunities that making television series affords, the movie that motivated him to become a director, and the filmmaker he looks to for inspiration. 

Interview by Danny Edwards shots

Stay tuned for more from YDA week all this week
View the 2023 YDA Shortlist

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